
I imagined this scene after seeing Andrew Price‘s tutorial “How to make earth in blender (cycles)”. Differently from it, I created an interior scene, in which a levitating globe is replaced by an iper-realistic Earth: therefore the scene title is “Levitating blue marble”; the reference, obviously, is the well-known image taken by Apollo 17 crew while travelling towards the Moon.

In the scene, other Apollo missions references are present: the wristwatch hour (20:17:40 UTC on July 20, 1969), the grid-aligned crosses used on moon walk cameras (Reseau plate) and could not miss the Moon.

A dry branch, on the right, closes the scene and remembers that outer space is not very confortable 🙂


  • Software – Blender
  • Render engine – Cycles
  • Post processing – Blender + Gimp
  • Wristwatch –  Blenderswap by wuk (CC-BY)
  • Textures globe – NASA


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