
Square rulers 3d model is available for download; I created it for Blender and its rendering engine Cycles. The file, to reduce its size, contains just the 3d model ready for use: to use it in your scene, simply use the Append command (Shift + F1), select the file square_rulers.blend, view the contents of the “group” folder, select the group and then click” Append “.

Materials are fully procedural and ready for use; you can change setting (eg. plastic color) if you need so.

3d model is ready to fit a scene with 1 blend unit = 1 metre.

SQUARE RULERS are available under Creative Commons CC-BY, you can use them for free under the following condition:

  • You must give credit to the autor of this file

If you decide to distribute copies or modified versions of this file you have to do so under the same condition. If you want, you can send me feedbacks, suggestions or your render results by email or via the contact form.

3d model with materials

Creative Commons CC-BY (You must give credit to the autor of this file)


arch. Pietro O. Di Chito (dichitoarchitetto.it)

Blender Cycles

v1…July 1, 2015

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